You do you - is my all time favourite phrase that I originally heard from Shannon Cooper (My Food Religon) and immediately loved!!
It seriously encompasses everything that I love about the diversity of people. It gives us all permission to be ourselves.
You're doing YOU and I'm doing ME!

There is absolutely NO one-size-fits-all approach to life. We all need to find what really floats our boat, what works for us and truly makes us feel damn great!

Where a lot of us come unstuck is comparing ourselves to others and feeling completely unworthy, insignificant and just "not good enough". There's one sure thing that this achieves and that's a total feeling of worthlessness.

We have but ONE LIFE, and it is already short enough. Do we really need to spend it feeling so darn crap about ourselves?

So how can YOU DO YOU, and feel confident and content within yourself; for life?

Listen in to me, Joy McClymont, Fitness Trainer to hear how YOU CAN DO YOU!
Find out:
- the difference between inspiration and comparison
- how to make each day BE what you want it to BE
- what it means to lean into your life
- how to practise self-care without feeling selfish
- the true impact of feeling worthless
Access the REPLAY if you missed it.

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